In as much as it could be a coincidence, it could be an indirect shade as well.
Larinette Bailly Tatah known by her artistic name Blanche Bailly posted a picture with one of her outfits which she slayed in it because it brought out her curves and succulent body.
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She used a cute yellow belt too round her waist as seen on the picture above.
So Daphne Njie came and posted a picture too in which she slayed in it but this time around she had her own belt which is similar to Blanche Baillys’ tied around the neck of her little poppy dog.
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So, Daphne used the same belt but this time around it was used on her dog…
Could this be an indirect provoke?
Could it be Blanche Bailly’s dog?
Could it be Blanche offered Daphné the belt for her dog?
Could it be it’s just a coincidence?

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