Kowan – Biography

Kowan is a Cameroonian young rapper, song composer and performer.

From the Northwest region of Cameroon, Kowan Smith Bright was born on 27th July 2011 in Bamenda, Cameroon. The young star is the 3rd in a famipy of 4.

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He has gotten vast recognition due to his talent contrary to what lots thought because of his age.

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Trained, groomed and promoted by a Bamenda-Cameroon based talent development and charity organization (KIDS’ HALL OF TALENTS FOUNDATION) which grooms talents and impart skills in underprivileged children, KOWAN has stood strong over the years as a young team leader that represents the other kids and doubles as a BrandTrained, groomed and promoted by a Bamenda-Cameroon based talent development and charity organization (KIDS’ HALL OF TALENTS FOUNDATION) which grooms talents and impart skills in underprivileged children, KOWAN has stood strong over the years as a young team leader that represents the other kids and doubles as a Brand.

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