30 viruses that kill marriages.

1. Lack of family prayer life,

2. Lack of family dialogue,

3. Adultery,

4. Living with a wife or husband you don’t really like,

5. The irresponsibility of the husband towards the wife and the children,

6. Insubordination of one of the spouses,

7. The sexual dissatisfaction or disgust of one of the partners,

8. Indiscretion of husband or wife,

9. The uncleanness of the husband or the wife,

10. Not knowing how to welcome your spouse and visitors,

11. Not to make known his assets to his spouse,

12. Live with the parents of the husband or wife,

13. Mismanagement of the spouses’ family budget,

14. Love children more than his wife or husband,

15. Having children outside of marriage,

16. The dictatorial behavior of the husband or the wife,

17. Make commitments without consulting your husband or wife,

18. Uncontrolled jealousy of husband or wife,

19. The hurtful words about her husband or his wife,

20. Reminding the wife or husband incessantly of the faults already forgiven,

21. Love material goods more than her husband

or his wife,

22. Lack of transparency in the development of projects,

23. Talking ill about her husband or wife to others,

24. Make remarks to his wife or husband in the presence of other people or children,

25. Unannounced outings of husband or wife,

26. Compare his wife or husband to other people, or to his exes,

27. Caring for your own family more than your spouse’s,

28. Lack of interest in the problems of her husband or wife,

29. Confide more in family or friends than in spouse,

30. Belonging to religious communities

If we live happily, and our marriage still exists, it is because we had and continue to kill these viruses every day.