Straighteners, repetitive brushings, exposure to the sun, humidity, chemicals … The list of factors that can affect our hair seems endless. Lucky for us, there are some ways to remedy their devastating effects on the hair fiber. Among them, an astonishing but formidable product: mayonnaise. If this one reminds you of macedonies, wraps or mimosa eggs, know that its usefulness is not only culinary. And for a good reason, this sauce that we regularly invite to our plates is actually a powerful moisturizing ally to soften the hair and nourish it deeply. Zoom on its use.
Forked, dull, brittle or unruly hair is the daily lot of many people. The problem is, a majority decide to remedy it by resorting to heat or chemicals, which ultimately prove to be counterproductive.
Over time, hair dries out even more, loses volume and becomes very difficult to style due to the lack of structure. The good thing is that this damage is not irreversible. As long as we know the right tips, it is possible to regain healthy, supple and shiny hair.
Mayonnaise, really?
If this creamy white sauce seems more legitimate to you in a wrap, it isn’t! Mayonnaise, although its cosmetic use may seem unusual, is a formidable ally to hydrate the hair fiber and strengthen it.
Rich in amino acids, antioxidants and protein, it is found to be a very useful product for our hair and the ideal solution for a smooth and healthy mane. And for good reason, it contains oil, mustard, eggs and lemon juice, a concentrate of ingredients with excellent properties for our hair. As Élodie-Joy Jaubert, author of “I love my hair, explains.
All natural beauty treatments “in Elle magazine,” the oil is nourishing, the egg is restorative, the lemon juice shines the lengths and the mustard stimulates the scalp “. A compendium of benefits, therefore, to find silky hair.
Homemade mayonnaise recipe
Ideally, you can make your own mayonnaise at home, knowing that the goal is to avoid chemical additives. For this you will need the following ingredients:
– 1 egg yolk
– 1 teaspoon of mustard
– 150 ml of sunflower oil or olive oil
– 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Preparation tips:
Start by mixing the egg yolk and mustard in a bowl. Whisk the two ingredients, then gradually add the oil of your choice. Once the mixture thickens, add the lemon juice, then mix everything one last time. Your mayonnaise is ready!
Mayonnaise mask: instructions for use
The amounts to use will depend on the length of your hair. If they are long, a cup of mayonnaise is needed to fully cover the entire hair. Otherwise, half a cup is sufficient.
How to apply it?
The application should be done on damp hair. However, people with oily roots should avoid applying it directly to the scalp and focus only on lengths. For people with dry roots, mayonnaise can be applied all over the hair.
Once the operation is complete, leave it on for around thirty minutes. The ideal is to cover your head with a towel or a shower cap so that the components of your mayonnaise act deeply on the hair fiber.
When this time has elapsed, proceed with your usual shampoo, followed by a detangling treatment.
For optimal effectiveness, this mask should be used once a week.