They were apprehended by the police thanks to the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (Antic).”I am one of those who tried to recover the account of one of the administrators of Elecam’s Facebook page,” confesses Tata Wahri Derek, one of the alleged pirates of the pages of Elections Cameroon.They were presented to the press on July 29, 2020 in Yaoundé.To achieve this result, the police appealed to the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (Antic). Experts from this public body have gathered the evidence that overwhelms Tata Wahri Derek and his accomplice Verdzedzru Felix.Prosper Djoursoubo Pagou, security expert at ANTIC, explains: “We carried out searches which enabled us to seize computers and phones. From an analysis, we were able to recover the evidence that the suspects had tried to suppress. “On June 23, Elecam’s Facebook account was hacked. At the time of this violation, a message carried by the leader of the opposition, Maurice Kamto, was posted. The hackers also reportedly attempted to take control of the Elecam website.According to police officer Henri Keya, head of the cyber security service at the Directorate of the Judicial Police, the suspects face a sentence of 5 to 10 years in prison.