How to clean and cook snails.

To be able to prepare snail-based recipes, it is necessary to purge them and clean them very well beforehand to eliminate all the residues they may have in their body. This step is necessary because snails feed on plants that can be harmful to the human body even if you eat them cooked. To prepare your snail-based dishes without taking any risk, we will explain step by step how to clean and prepare snails.

More than 2 hours Moderate difficulty


  • Edible snails
  • Of flour
  • Salt
  • Vinegar

Steps to follow to make this recipe:


The first thing to do will be to purge the snails, so that they eliminate any ingested substance that may be harmful to your health.


You should fast the snails for at least a week. To do this, we recommend that you put them in a crate and leave them in a ventilated place, preferably hanging.


You can add flour to speed up the process of eliminating waste that snails have in their bodies.


After 7 to 10 days, immerse the snails in a container of cold water, with salt and a little vinegar and let them soak so that they secrete all the slime. You can put salt on the edge so that they do not escape.


Then wash the snails several times in water to keep them clean.


To cook snails you will need to put them in a pot or pot of cold water, because if the water is hot, they will all curl up in the shell. When you see the horns start to come out, you will then need to increase the heat until it boils.


You will need to leave them in boiling water for a few minutes for them to cook.


Then run them under cold water and drain the snails.


The snails are now ready to prepare the recipe of your choice!