Faced with the drama that is going on in the country, gospel Cameroonian female music guru, Indira, has just changed the release date of her new album. She informed the public of this decision through an official press release.
The shock of the Kumba attack is very fresh and violent in the hearts of Cameroonians. The violence portrayed in the videos are still fresh in everyone’s minds. So we see more and more stars getting involved in the case, eager to help the country regain its peace.
In these circumstances, singer Indira has just postponed the official release of her album out of compassion for all the victims.
Getting a direction translation from French, she wrote :
Following the unfortunate event that occurred in kumba on October 24, I decided to postpone the official release of my album to Friday, November 13, 2020 at 10 a.m. sharp on all platforms “.
she wrote on her social media handles.
The press release also states that the album launch press conference scheduled for October 28 has been postponed to November 11. Indira is thus based on a biblical scripture “It is written: weep with those who cry”. Good act of solidarity!
Her album “New Breath” is eagerly awaited by her fans, since she released the first single entitled “I want to praise you”.