Cameroon’s princess Brenda Biya speaks up about being labeled crazy when she had mental health issues.

Afriblinkers, do y’all remember the time Brenda Biya was suffering from mental health due to a chronic disease, thus physical manifestations?

A couple of people labeled her crazy & mad. She expresses her frustration towards this people’s ignorance.

According to Bree, she loves her country but has to stay away sometimes to avoid getting hurt.

What I got from having a chronic disease? Pain, Trauma, as wel as always being labeled ‘crazy’ by those who aren’t intelligent or evolved enough to understand that mental health shouldn’t be stigmatized.

And that is why I decided to stay away from Cameroon a while. I was traumatized, made a pariah for having a sickness. I love my country, don’t get me wrong. But that is the main reason I can’t get behind the mentality people have there…” said the 23-year old.

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Brenda Biya via her Twitter handle.