Brenda Biya (Anastasie Brenda Biya Eyenga), is the daughter of Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroon and Chantal Biya. Born June 24, 1997 in the Etoudi Palace, she attended nursery and primary schools at the Les Coccinelles complex, specially created for presidential staff.
With her older brother Paul junior, she then went to boarding school at the prestigious Collège du Léman, about ten kilometers from Geneva. Before moving to the United States, where she continued her studies. Since 2017, she has been a student at the National School of Administration and Judiciary (ENAM).
Born in the age of instant chat and storytelling, the girl is very active on social media and flaunts herself in the company of global stars. Her posts therefore do not go unnoticed and are observed by millions of people. The young girl is living her life at a hundred miles an hour.
She said in November 2019 in a “story” on her Instagram account that she suffers from Graves’ disease and thyroid disorders. On April 16, 2020, she launched “Bree Culture Inc Shopping”, an online wig store. Right now she has a beautiful hotel/restaurant at Bastos, Yaoundé Cameroon.
The beauty promises to help people and to do more great things for the country.