Women need to understand that being in a relationship with a man doesn’t mean he sees you as his future wife. There are men who will claim to love you, promise you heaven and earth, and yet deep down they know that you have no future with them. We have seen and heard about different cases of long term relationships that still have not resulted into marriage.
Some guys just find pleasure in breaking women’s hearts, they find pleasure in using and fooling women, they find pleasure in hurting young girls, which is really unfair, and mean. This article will teach women how to tell if a man considers you his future wife or if he is just playing with your emotions.
1. He stays in touch with you
When a man is in love with a woman, no matter how busy he is on a daily basis, he will always take the time to watch that woman. No matter his busy daily schedule, if he loves and plans to spend the rest of his life with you, he will always stay in touch with you. A man who is so interested in you will always communicate with you. If he doesn’t keep in touch with you on a daily basis, then obviously his level of interest in you is very low. A man who considers you his future wife will not disappear in communication for weeks, months, and then come back to give an apology. Ladies make no mistake about it!
2. He makes time for you
Keeping in touch alone is not enough, a man who sees you as his future wife will make time for you. Making time doesn’t just mean calling or texting each other, it means spending real time, going out on dates, and participating in activities together. A man who genuinely cares about you won’t be okay with just calling you by text, he’ll want to see you in person almost every day and spend time with you as well. That’s what real love can make a man do.
3. Coherence
When a man loves you and sees you in his future, he is consistent. He will always want to see you at least once a week just to make sure you are always his. Seeing you as his future wife means that your relationship has passed the dating stage, so spending time with you and keeping in touch with you will be consistent, as he will appear to be afraid of losing you if he is truly interested in you.