RAPs, also known as Rek audiovisual production is a Cameroonian audiovisual recording label founded by record producer and recording artist EwiMbi Reuben on 12 September 2018. The label’s inception came to fruition following the love of music From the afformentioned founder.The label is home to record upcoming artists such as Preepzy , Vibron. It also houses producers such as Rek himself,Vibron, Xtrabeat. DJ Etabar Is the label’s official disc jockey.The label has released closed to 20 singles as for now and will soon be releasing the visuals of some of the singles.
RAPs is here to build and nucture young and aspiring Cameroonian artists.The label has a strong team that is determined to make your dream come. The label as young as it is, has seen the visitations and likes of some Cameroonian established artists.
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