Jonathan Steingard, Canadian gospel singer says he doesn’t believe in God anymore.

Jonathan Steingard went on to reveal that he lost his faith in God as years went by.According to this singer, he had constructive discussions with his trusted friends who have high Christian values & a visible position in the Christian circle and they all shared his opinion.The singer gave hints on the fact that himself and his band won’t be playing gospel music again for they have found other jobs.

He wrote;

“I’ve been terrified to post this for a while – but it feels like it’s time for me to be honest. I hope this is not the end of the conversation, but the beginning. I hope this is encouraging to people who might feel the same but are as afraid to speak as I am. I want to be open. I want to be transparent with you all – and also open to having my heart changed in the future. I am not looking for a debate at all – just a chance to share my story in the hopes some good can come from it. I love you all.”

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