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Buea boy kills gf due to infidelity‼

Buea boy kills gf due to infidelity‼

Young man kills gf he has been dating on the basis of infidelity. Buea based lad killed a girl he dated for 5 years because he felt stabbed at the back. This man has sponsored this girl’s education for the years they have been dating (reports say). The girl saw someone else she fell in...

Student kills boyfriend for dumping her in Mbalmayo.

Student kills boyfriend for dumping her in Mbalmayo.

While we are still talking about Nkolbisson and Obala, here is a new case. The drama happened last night in Mbalmayo. Patricia, 18, a student in English section III at the Lycée Bilingue de Mbalmayo, couldn’t bear to learn that her booboo turned his back on her for another girl. Like a thunderbolt, Patricia stabbed...